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From Songs of Miramichi by Louise Manny and James Reginald Wilson, Brunswick Press, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1968

The Lumberman’s Alphabet

A for the AXES, and that youse all know

B for the BYES that can use them also;

C for the CHOPPING which now begins,

And D for the DANGER that we do stand in,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

E for the ECHO that rings through the woods,

F for the FOREMAN that bosses a job;

G for the GRINDSTONE we grind our axe on,

And H for the HANDLE so smooth wore around,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

I for the ILE we burn in our lamps,

J for the JOBLE that’s always inclined,

K for KEEN EDGES we all have to sleep,

And L for the LICE, boys, that’s o’er our shirts creep,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

M for the MOSS we stog in our camps,

N for the NEEDLE as we sew our pants,

O for the OWL that screeches by night,

And P for the tall PINE that we do slay right,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

Q for the QUARRELING that we don’t allow,

R for the RIVER where we make our bow,

S for the SLED built so stout and so strong,

And T for the big TEAM that hauls them along,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

U for the USES we put ourselves to,

V for the VALLEYS we run our road through,

W is for the WOODS we leave in the spring,

And now I have sung all I’m going to sing,

And how merry are we.


No mortal on earth is as happy are we,

T’me hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,

Give the shanty’s boys whiskey,

There’s nothin’ goes wrong.

Wa-hoo! (shouted)