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From Songs of Miramichi by Louise Manny and James Reginald Wilson, Brunswick Press, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1968

The Banks of the Miramichi

It’s now I will take up my pen

Those verses for to write.

Concerning of this river

I mean for to recite.

For all through nature’s splendor

There’s none that I can see

Like the rolling tide that flows longside

The banks of the Murrymashee.

Its little trout and salmon

Are playing night and day,

The feathered throng assemble

Their beauty to display.

And sportsmen there do gather

And all delight to see

The rolling tide that flows longside

The banks of the Murrymashee.

If I had gold and silver

Brought from some foreign place,

And r’yal robes put on me

And a crown set o’er my face,

I would yield it all with pleasure,

But sooner would I be

Where the rolling tide it flows longside

The banks of the Murrymashee.

(last word spoken)