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Aunt Neen as we all knew and loved her

Neen Creaghan Anecdotes

Lawrence Creaghan

When it came to great aunts, Neen certainly took the cake with her wide-brimmed hats, strings of pearls, and ever-present cigarette (often with holder). Whether in Newcastle or Burnt Church, Neen’s doings, comings and goings, and sayings were always part of family news.

Neen was a gifted conversationalist...and was especially adept at carrying on two conversations at the same time. You might be talking to her about one thing and she could be (and often was) talking to you about something completely different. The results could be quite entertaining.

Gorgeous George

The conversation was about the well-known and recently deceased wrestler Gorgeous George. (He died in 1963.) Neen was listening very attentively but she, being a lifelong Conservative, thought people were talking about George Drew, former Ontario premier, leader of federal Progressive Conservative Party, and leader of the Official Opposition from 1948 to 1956. She finally took strong exception when someone said the blond locks Gorgeous George was famous for were actually dyed. “George Drew never dyed his hair blond!” she said with great conviction as everyone burst into laughter.

Lawn mowers and oranges

My father had rented a home Neen owned when we first moved to Newcastle after he was appointed to the bench in 1962. Dad was telling Neen he was unhappy with the garburator. While he was having a conversation with Neen about the garburator, she was having a conversation with him about his new lawn mower. (He had taken the lawn mower to Burnt Church and its grass- and hay-cutting powers had impressed others besides Neen.) The double conversation was going along like a house on fire until Dad said, “But Neen, it won’t even cut orange peels.” To which Neen replied, “But Bill why would you use your lawn mower to cut orange peels anyway?”

According to Neen...

Neen had a number of well-known sayings that were often repeated. (I confess to repeating some even to this day). Here are two of my favourites:

• Never love for money – but love where the money is.

• Neen liked her coffee “hot as hell, dark as night, and sweet as sin.”