Three Sons and Two Daughters of Newcastle Merchant All Serving King and Country Overseas. That one of his sons* in the Royal Air Force, at present on the western front, has been promoted to a squadron commander, was the information given to a Telegraph reporter yesterday by J.D. Creaghan of Newcastle (N.B.), who is at the Royal Hotel.
Mr. Creaghan, who has good reason to be proud of the splendid response of the young men and women of his immediate family, was rather reticent to talk of his sons and their work in the great struggle in Europe. One of his sons in the Royal Air Force had a very narrow escape some months ago when the machine in which he was flying fell into the sea, and the other was most seriously wounded shortly afterwards. Both have recovered from the effects of their wounds and injuries and are again on active service. Another son is also at the front, making three stalwart lads representing this Newcastle patriot on the firing line. In addition to the boys, he has two daughters who are Red Cross nurses now overseas making a total of five who are contributing each day to the success of Allied arms overseas.
The news that one of his sons has been promoted to a squadron commander will be learned with much pleasure and pride by the many friends of the family in the province. *T. Cyril (Bun) Creaghan