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The North Shore Leader, November 25, 1960

Crowds Present as Creaghan’s Opens New Store

Large crowds gathered Thursday morning, Nov. 17 to witness the grand-opening ceremonies of the J.D. Creaghan Company Limited’s impressive new department store in the Fairview-Shopping Plaza, Saint John. This is the first venture of the company into the shopping centre field.

A representative of Fairview-Shopping Plaza was master of ceremonies, and introduced Marven Creaghan, manager of the new Saint John store and merchandising manager of the firm. He, along with D.S. Creaghan, of Newcastle, chairman of the board of directors, expressed “great faith in the City of Saint John and its potential as a huge shopping area. It is a significant shopping area now and is fast progressing with capable men at the helm.”

Mayor Eric L. Teed, Saint John, then officiated at the colorful ribbon-cutting ceremony. Other company officials attending the ceremony were John D. Creaghan, of Newcastle, vice-president and manager of the Chatham store; D.A. Creaghan, of Newcastle, vice-president and comptroller; R.P. Creaghan, sales manager and director, and A.E. Brown, manager of the Fredericton store.

Merchandise prizes, valued at $1,000, were awarded following the official opening ceremonies. Tickets for prizes had been freely distributed previous to the opening.