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Marven Creaghan (1926–2000) was an active volunteer in numerous community services
Bernie Morrison wrote this short biography of his father-in-law for the website.

T. Marven Creaghan

Thomas Marven Creaghan (December 2, 1926–November 15, 2000) was born in Newcastle, New Brunswick and spent much of his early life there.

After graduating from Moncton High School, he was employed with the Department of National Defence in Moncton. He later attended St. Francis Xavier University before beginning his 40-year career with the J.D. Creaghan Company.

Marven first worked in the Moncton store in 1946 as a stock boy but soon entered the sales field in men’s furnishings. He opened the Saint John branch of the business in 1960. He was appointed manager of the Newcastle store in 1966 and made a vice-president of the company in 1971. He retired from the store in 1986.

In 1970, Marven was one of a group of local businessmen instrumental in bringing cable television to the Miramichi. He was an active member of the Newcastle Curling Club, past president of the Miramichi Golf and Country Club, past chairman of the pastoral council of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, past president of the Downtown Merchants’ Association of Newcastle, past president and director of the Miramichi Regional Development Commission, past president of the local branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and an active volunteer worker with numerous community services, including the Rotary Club, the Chatham Air Show, and the Red Cross.

Marven had a great love for life on the Miramichi.

Miramichi man wants to save former nuns’ residence

Marven Creaghan News Story