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The North Shore Leader, September 22, 1950

Creaghan’s Opened New Branch Store

The formal opening of what is considered one of the most up-to-date stores in Eastern Canada was held Friday evening, September 22, at Fredericton, when the new J.D. Creaghan Company Limited three-storey building, the former Edgecombe store, was visited by thousands of people.

The doors were opened at 7:30 o’clock for a public preview of the establishment and the number of visitors passed all expectations. Baskets of flowers from supply houses across Canada and other firms, wishing the new store every success, were displayed and added a gay touch to the pleasing arrangement of the store’s wares.

Attending the opening and a reception at the Lord Beaverbrook Hotel afterwards were the staffs of all the Creaghan stores, from Newcastle, Chatham and Moncton, as well as Fredericton.

The manager of the Fredericton store, H.H. McCartney, senior head of the various departments and personnel, and a staff of 40 were on hand to meet and welcome the public. Music was by the Walter McGinn Trio. The department heads are Oscar Harris, Miss Bella McConaghy, Mrs. Ronald Millican, Richard Creaghan, Mrs. Hazel A. Johnson, Mrs. Genevieve O’Neill, with artist Bill Garnett.

The visiting public strolled around among the spacious display sections and viewed the many standard and exclusive lines of merchandise, commenting on them. The store was open for business Saturday, carrying merchandise of quality and dependability, as is stocked in all the Creaghan stores.