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The North Shore Leader, June 12, 1968
D.S. Creaghan, Former Mayor, Died Sunday
A lifelong resident of Newcastle and prominent New Brunswick businessman, Donald Sutherland Creaghan died Sunday, June 9 in Miramichi Hospital after a lengthy illness. Born in Newcastle 79 years ago, he was the eldest son of John D. and Ellen (Adams) Creaghan and spent his entire life in this town.
For many years Mr. Creaghan was president of J.D. Creaghan Co. Ltd., the firm founded by his father in 1875, and in later years served as chairman of the board. He joined the firm about 62 years ago and was manager of the Newcastle store for many years, retiring in August 1967 due to ill health.
Mr. Creaghan served on the Newcastle Town Council for many years and served two terms as mayor. He was mayor at the time of the visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in June 1939. Active in community affairs he served on a number of civic, charitable, and patriotic committees, was member of the Board of Trade, a charter member and past president of the Newcastle Rotary Club and the first chairman of the 315 Air Cadet Squadron Sponsoring Committee. He was a member of the Miramichi Officers Mess and of the Curling Club and was one of the founders of the Newcastle Rink Association, which built the old rink on George Street. He was also a director of the Miramichi Broadcasting Company.
Mr. Creaghan was a member of St. Mary’s congregation and a charter member of Miramichi Council Knights of Columbus. He had served as president of the County Progressive Conservative Association, and retired a few years ago after serving as Norwegian and Swedish vice-consul for over 30 years.
During World War II, he was vice-president of No. 10 Air Observer School at Chatham. He was an organizer of the Soldiers Entertainment Committee and served on the Victory Bond campaigns.
Surviving are his wife, the former Rita Buckley of Newcastle, and five sons and a daughter, John, Dr. Mark, and Mrs. Nora Bunting, all of Newcastle, Richard of Fredericton, Thomas of Toronto and Alan of Montreal; also a sister and two brothers, Miss Aileen Creaghan, Newcastle, John A. Creaghan and William V. Creaghan of Moncton. There are 12 grandchildren.
All of Mr. Creaghan’s family are here for the funeral with the exception of Alan Creaghan, legal counsel with Canadian International Power Co., who is in South America on business and all airplanes were grounded due to a heavy snowstorm.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the residence on Pleasant Street to St. Mary’s Church for Requiem Mass at four o’clock. Burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mayor Creaghan Welcomes King and Queen to Newcastle
The North Shore Leader, June 16, 1939
His Worship Mayor Creaghan and Mrs. Creaghan welcome King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother) to Newcastle as Prime Minister Mackenzie King looks on (Source: Sandra Bunting)
D.S. and Rita Creaghan (Source: Malcolm McConnell) |
Father and sons: Dick, John, Mark, D.S., Alan, and Tom Creaghan (Source: Sandra Bunting) |